5 Reasons Why Borrowing Your Friend’s Dog Will Probably Land You A Date

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Plenty of single people own dogs to keep them company. Ok, that’s not the only reason they own a dog - but still. Single men and women often take their dogs to the dog park, and they probably wouldn’t mind a cutie to talk to while they watch their dog play. People with dogs love to chat with other people who are with dogs. It’s a given. So even if you don’t own a dog of your own, you should definitely borrow a dog from a friend sometime soon – because it’ll probably land you a date. Here’s why:

1. You’ll immediately have something in common

At a dog park where you both have brought a dog, there’s an easy common ground that lays the foundation to start a friendship – and even start a relationship. If you borrowed a friend’s dog, you can admit that it’s not your dog but that you love dogs and hang out with her dog often. It still shows that you’re a dog lover and a kind soul.

2. Your dog and their dog might become friends.

If your dog happens to get along with and play well with a cute single owner’s dog, he or she might suggest you guys both meet at the park again same time tomorrow. You can use the fact that your dogs like each other to arrange another meet-up.

3. Their dog might like you.

If a cutie’s dog jumps up on you and seems to like you, you can use that as an excuse to chat with the owner. He or she might say something like “wow, my dog sure likes you!” and take it from there. It’s a great ice-breaker and an opening line into starting a conversation.

4. If you sit with a dog outside of a coffee shop, people will stop to talk to you.

Ok, even if they’re really stopping to pet your dog – they’ll still end up talking to you. If you sit outside a coffee shop and sip your coffee alone, that cute single person might walk right past you. But, that same person might not be able to resist stopping at your table if you have a dog with you.

5. It’s super easy to use your dog as an excuse to talk to another dog owner.

You can come up with an excuse to talk to them so easily. Ask them questions, such as where they got that neat dog collar – or if they feed their dog something special to get their fur so soft. Now that you’ve started talking and built a rapport, you can make that bold move to ask if they’d like to go for a walk together with the dogs. First date = already happening.

Datememe is a new 100% free online dating site. Just because it's free doesn't mean you can't enjoy premium features found on other paid websites. No fake users, no paid features, just free online chat to help you meet that someone special. What are you waiting for?