5 Signs that He Loves You

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Culture and psychology have proven that men show love differently than women. There are some glaring differences in the show of affection between the sexes. Each man expresses love in his own unique way and while it's common knowledge that men are more inclined to show caring feelings in physical ways, there are also some subtleties that will help you tell if he's having those warm, fuzzy feelings toward you.

Touchy feely

You know he's getting more and more into you if he's touching you more often than before. A lot of men see physical connection as a sign of love, so watch out for increased physical contact.

That does not mean this touching and physical contact will have to involve sex.

The simple acts of taking your hand when you are together or frequently pecking you on the cheek are good indications of his growing affection towards you. He may also start wrapping his arms around you in public as an expression of love and protection, and at home he starts offering you cuddles while expecting no sex at all.

Including you in his interests

A man needs a hobby, and if he starts including you in the things he likes to do then you can take it as a sign of deep affection. Men in general are also attracted to goal-oriented activities so if he wants you to help him achieve his goals, it is likely that you are growing more and more valuable to him.

He might also begin soliciting your opinion on how to best approach a sport or a hobby. A man asking his woman to join him in the things he loves to do is a strong emotional message because he knows that you will add value to that corner of his life.


Men can be complete slobs (and so can ladies, what's your bathroom countertop look like?) but if you notice him helping you clean up more often, then he is showing that he wants the home to be clean for you.

When he takes the initiative to do chores around the house, he wants to save you the trouble because he is growing even fonder of you. If he shows interest in working together to clean your space, he values your time together in maintaining a spotless environment for your togetherness grow.


Men often show affection with action. If he starts writing you notes and other cutesy things, then it is likely that his feelings for you are becoming stronger. It's not particularly macho to write love letters or set up candlelit dinners; if he shows you warmth and vulnerability this means that he is exposing his deeper, softer side and is inviting you to reciprocate his love. Another clear sign that he has developed powerful feelings for you is when he takes the effort to help you de-stress after a rough day and genuinely wants to take the load off your shoulders.


You may not always agree on things but when he makes the effort to see things through your eyes, then it's a powerful sign that he loves and respects you. For example, if he says yes to watching a romantic comedy with you despite his dislike for chick flicks, then it's a sign that he values your happiness and is letting his heart lead him instead of his own wants.

Also, if a man loves you, he won't be inclined to leave it unsaid for long. So if you're on the fence about what he's feeling, take these signs into account so you can remove all doubt that he has deeper feelings for you.

What do you think? How does your significant other show their love for you? Share it with us in the comments section below!

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