6 Effective Ways to Show Your Girlfriend Your Appreciation

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With so many distractions these days, it's easy to take people for granted, especially those who are closest to you. Your lady might take this as a red flag so if you are genuinely happy with your relationship to her, you have to show appreciation without expecting anything in return.

If you've noticed that you haven't been spending as much effort on your relationship as you'd like, or she has expressed that she has been feeling neglected, here's what you can do to turn things around.

Notice her efforts

Does she make dinner more often than you do or does she show initiative in doing the chores? Let her know that you notice her efforts. It's one of the easiest ways to show your appreciation and you don't even need to say it in a special way; just tell her outright. Remember that you are in this together, so keep her happy with a few kind words of appreciation every now and then.

Help her relax

Whether she works, goes to school, or maintains the home while you are away; she is just as susceptible as you are to burning out from stress. Men are prepared for dealing with carrying a large load from childhood so there's no point in comparing struggles, just show empathy.

Do what you can to help her relax and forget her problems even for just a few moments. Rent a good movie (she likes, even if you don't) on a cold weekend evening and snuggle up on the couch. Make her dinner or give her a lovely full body massage every now and then. Life can be a stressful mess; it's important that you're there to help ease it away.

Set aside time for her

You may be busy with your responsibilities, but don't let it get to a point where you're too busy to take her out or do things with her. She knows how busy you are, so allotting time for her lets her know how important she is to you. If she has been eyeing a new restaurant for the past few days, then book a reservation for a meal there. Surprise her.

Does she feel like doing nothing this weekend? Then curl up in the bed all day together and forget about your problems for a while. She will appreciate the time you give up for bonding with her.


Make sure to listen whenever she speaks, even when you are arguing. Don't tune out because she will take this as a sign that you do not care about her needs. When having a conversation, wait for your turn and be respectful of her opinions. This will also help you pick up some subtle signs about her wants and needs as well.

Prove it

This goes together with the previous steps. Bring up the little things that she might have forgotten. It will prove to her that you pay attention to her concerns and that you don't want her to forget anything important. Another way to remind her that you appreciate her is by getting her flowers for no reason. They are a great gesture to come home to, and will start up your evening on a happy note.

Be an adult

Make her see that you are a responsible person. In other words, be a man. Do not act childish when you have an argument. Listen when she tries to prove a point and then adjust your own behavior when necessary. A woman needs a respectable, responsible man, so act the part and she will appreciate it as well.

Attention is important in any relationship, so do your part to prove your appreciation for her. Remember to express your feelings in words and action, because appreciation is nothing unless you show it. There are plenty of fish in the sea and you chose her. Read that again: You chose her. So own that decision, and she will own hers, too.

Got more great ideas to show her that you care? Post them in the comments below!

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