6 Tips for Expressing Your Feelings for a Man

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When you care about someone, you have to express your feelings to that person. Life is too short to keep your feelings hidden in the dark. Whether you've been together for many years, or you're just about to tell him how you feel for the first time, it is important that you are honest and open with your emotions.

If you are still conflicted with how to go about it, maybe these tips can help you.

Be sure about your own feelings.

Before you express your feelings to another person, evaluate those feelings first. Be sure you are not confused about anything, and that what you're feeling is genuine. Think about how he makes you feel. Does he make you happy when he's around, and even when he's not around? If your answer is yes, then you probably do have feelings for him.

Express those feelings in person. Don't tell him about it over a phone call or a text message. That makes it less romantic. If you really care for him, you should have the courage to express your romantic feelings in person. Set up a date or a simple get-together. Don't worry about asking a guy out. It's totally fine! It simply shows that you think he's worth it.

Speak openly from the heart.

When you tell him how you feel, speak with honesty and from the heart. Also give him an opportunity to respond. However, remember that when you express your feelings, you must not expect anything in return. If he has romantic feelings for you too, that's good. If he doesn't and you assumed he did, you're surely going to get hurt.

Mind your body language.

Words are best coupled with the appropriate body language. Express your romantic feelings by showing it through your actions. Hug him. Kiss him. Lean forward when he's talking to you. Most importantly, maintain eye contact during your conversations. This shows that you are interested and engaged in your topic. Looking elsewhere will only make it seem like you're disinterested, and it can also be seen as a sign of disrespect.

Give him a meaningful gift.

Gift giving is a way of showing that you value him. It doesn't have to be expensive that it will torch your bank account. It just has to be a thoughtful one. A heartfelt letter, a poem, a song, or even something from that DIY gift idea video that you watched last week. It makes it more special than a pricey store-bought gift. However, it's never wrong to give a store-bought gift. If you're opting for one, it should be something that you're sure he would like so that he can appreciate it.

Remember that actions speak louder than words.

Reply to his texts and call him back. Let him know of your whereabouts and ask him how his day at work went. Show up to your dates on time, or if he picks you up at your place, don't make him wait long. Don't compare him to other guys but instead motivate him. Try to look good for him. Respect his personal space. Comfort him when he's upset. Make him laugh and turn his frown upside down. Be there for him when he needs your help. Let him know that you're just a call away. Words are just words, but your actions will prove your true feelings.

You need to express your romantic feelings in order to be closer to the person. However, you need to do it appropriately and at the right time. He may get intimidated if you move too fast.

What are your thoughts on expressing romantic feelings to a guy? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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