Ask Her Out Over the Phone in 4 Steps

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Asking someone out on date can be daunting, especially if you really like her but you're not sure how she feels about you. While it may be best to ask her out on a date in person, sometimes, things just get in the way and you have to resort to asking her out over the phone.

So, if you decide to ask her out on a date via phone call, it's important that you know how to do it properly.

Step ## Get her number.

First things first, you need to get a hold of her number if you're planning to call her. Ask for her number and do it in a polite and respectful manner. Maybe you can strike up a conversation with her first before getting her number. Then, tell her that you'll call her and be sure that you keep your promise. If she likes you, chances are, she's going to wait for your call.

Avoid getting her number from somebody else, even from her friends. While some girls may see it as a sweet gesture, others will only get creeped out. Do your best to ask for her number yourself. Have some confidence!

Step ## Ask her questions.

It can be challenging to get to know someone if you're just talking over the phone. There's no body language and facial expression to help you determine what she likes. It can be difficult to express your interest towards a person via phone call too. So, let her know that you are interested in her by asking questions about her.

Ask her about her day, her hobbies, her favorites, and even the things that she doesn't like. If she gets the sense that you want to get to know her, she'll be more comfortable with opening up to you. This way, you won't find it difficult to come up with topics the next time you find yourself in a conversation with her.

Step ## Invite her on a date.

Once you've known enough about each other, it's time that you finally ask her out on a date. From your previous conversations, you probably already know what she likes, right? So, try inviting her on a date that revolves around something that she's interested in.

If she likes poetry, invite her to a poetry reading event at your local library. If she's into photography, take her out on a photo walk. The sky's your limit! But if you don't know that much about her yet, arrange a simple date at a quaint coffee shop where you can spend hours getting to know each other. The important thing is that you make it clear that you are asking her out on a date, and not just simply hanging out.

Step ## End the call properly.

Don't just hang up on her once she agrees to go out with you. End the call in a polite manner. If she said yes to your invitation, plan out when and where it's going to be. Make sure it works for both your schedules. But in case she turns you down, don't show her that you're upset about it. Don't take the rejection too personally. Be polite and thank her for her time.

If you still really want to go on a date with her, try asking her if she's available at another time so you can work things out. However, if she refuses your invitation because she's already committed, it would be best for you to back down.

With so many available methods of digital communication today, asking someone out on a date without doing it in person can seem insincere. So, you need to double your efforts in making her feel comfortable with you and letting her know that you are truly interested in her when you ask her out over the phone.

What are your thoughts on asking someone out via phone call? Let us know in the comments below!

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