Here's How to Have an Adult Relationship with the One you Love

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Age is just a number. Whether you're a teenager or a fully grown adult, you can have a mature relationship if you put the effort into developing it. Regardless of how long a couple has stayed together or how old the persons in the relationship are, approaching obstacles in a mature, level-headed manner is the only way to ensure a lasting bond. It's easy to start a relationship, but making it last is the real challenge.

Stay on the same page

Clarify each other's intentions. Sit down and define the relationship early on so that the both of you know what to expect in the future. After dating for a couple of weeks, you should be able to explain to each other what you're looking for in a romantic partner. If you want the same things in a partner, good. It's going to help nurture your relationship even more. If not, being aware of each other's needs will help the both of you make adjustments.

Think of each other

While it's easy to send notes and texts several times during the day, it is important to prioritize face to face time together. School and work may get extremely busy, but setting a scheduled quality together time and sticking to it is one way to keep your bond strong. Flaking out on scheduled quality time can make the relationship waste away. When days become hectic, check in with a call rather than with a text. It makes your concern for each other evident and gives you a few precious minutes to connect with each other even when work is getting stressful.

Balance your lives

Spending time apart is just as important as allocating time for each other. Making time for your own hobbies and friendships are great ways to create a life outside of the relationship. It gives you a sense of individuality that will reinforce your relationship for the good. So don't hesitate to spend time with the guys or with your girlfriends.


When problems arise, talk about them as soon as possible. Knowing what hurts and what nurtures the relationship helps the both of you gauge how the other is feeling. That way, you'll know which behaviors you can keep and ones that need to go.

Trust each other

A relationship is nothing without trust. It is one of the most essential characteristics in an adult relationship and it can make or break your partnership. If there is a clear reason for distrust and jealousy, it might help to get counseling to regain the trust that has been lost.


True relationships will always have arguments. How a relationship grows is determined by how the both of you handle a problem. Be respectful of each other's opinions and always take turns when explaining your concerns. Do not disrespect each other by constantly interrupting or belittling your partner's ideals. As much as possible, find a middle ground that the both of you can settle on and don't be afraid to admit it if your partner is right.

Learn to be an adult

Being as self-sufficient and as independent as possible helps your partner to respect you as an individual. If you live together but cannot bring home income because you're either unemployed or a full-time student, do your best to alleviate your partner's stress. Help with the household chores or make time for relaxation together.

Without maturity from both parties, a relationship will remain a superficial mess. Approach problems calmly and do your best not to make things worse for each other. That way, you have the best chance of having a flourishing grown-up relationship.

How is your current relationship developing? If you think we missed some important points, feel free to let us know in the comments below!

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