Here's What You Can and Cannot Do When You're "Seeing Someone"

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No doubt you've asked someone out only to find that they're "seeing someone else". Don't worry! There are plenty of people out there willing to date you, so if you've been baffled by what the phrase "seeing someone" really means, then it's worthwhile to understand what it really means.

Sometimes it is what people say to friends and family if inquired about the status of their relationship. But what boundaries does it really set? Here are some clues to help you determine what a person really means when they say they are seeing someone.

A growing romance

When a person says they are seeing someone, they use the phrase as a means to let people know that they are invested and interested in someone else. This helps cement the idea that they are not open to dating, closing the doors for other interested admirers.

It doesn't automatically mean that they are an exclusive couple, but it signals that they are heading on that path. This basically means that they are growing fonder of one another and with each date they are getting to know each other better.

Physical intimacy

The modern dating culture puts less veneration in physical intimacy and more on emotional happiness. So when someone says they are seeing someone, it indicates a strong physical component and generally means they are involved with someone else in that way. Just because they are physically involved, it doesn't mean that they are exclusive, although it could bring them closer to becoming a fully exclusive couple.

"Seeing" as in dating

When using the phrase, people usually mean they are dating someone. They plan and go out on regular dates with the other person. Going to concerts, shows, lunches, and parties are some of the things couples like to do. The point in seeing someone is that they frequently see each other as often as twice a week or more.


As long as a couple continues to see each other, it won't take long for them to become exclusive. The phrase also indicates that they are in the stage of a relationship where they determine if they are compatible. The phrase already gives a sense of exclusivity, so it only takes a single conversation between them to become exclusive.

So you see, the phrase "seeing someone" generally means that both the parties are testing the waters to see if their involvement will lead to something positive. Many say that it will lead to emotional and lustful confusion, which is a fair point.

While the above explanations are all well and good, it can still be confusing if you think about boundaries. Some say you are allowed to kiss other people, but you should avoid it. You may or may not be allowed to browse other people's online profiles, looking for other potentials. Can you date other girls? Yes, but you should avoid it.

If you are confused as to whether or not you can or can't do these things, just ask yourself whether you truly like the person you are seeing. If the answer is a resounding yes, then deactivate your online dating accounts promptly and avoid chatting with potentials who might just end up confusing you.

Put emphasis on communication if you are seeing someone but aren't clear as to what you are exactly. After a great night of dancing, drinking, or dining out, sit down and be clear with your question. The answer can be polarizing but whatever it may be, remember to just enjoy the moment.

Ask your friends what they think it means, and start a discussion. Or why not do it here? Post your interpretations in the comments below, you never know if you might make a friend right here!

Datememe is a new 100% free online dating site. Just because it's free doesn't mean you can't enjoy premium features found on other paid websites. No fake users, no paid features, just free online chat to help you meet that someone special. What are you waiting for?