How to Break the Ice with A Guy You Barely Know

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Starting a conversation with a new guy can seem daunting at first, especially when you are interested in being more than just friends. But he doesn't need to be a stranger forever when you can make the first move!

First, let's talk about what makes starting a conversation with a guy you don't know challenging. Here are some of the reasons:

� Your fear of rejection � Not being able to come up with a topic � Worrying too much about what he might think about you

Get over these factors and turn that stranger into a friend, or better yet, a date!

Say hello

Smile and greet him with a simple "Hello." A smile makes you look more friendly and approachable. If he looks your way, introduce yourself and start a conversation with him. If he avoids eye contact with you, he may not be interested at all so avoid trying to get his attention and move on to the next guy.

Ask him for a small favor

If you spot a cute guy eating alone at a diner, you can ask him if you could borrow whatever condiment is absent from your table. After that, thank him and try to compliment him. Who knows? He might ask you to join him. Only use this strategy when it's applicable, however.

Start with small talk

Start your conversation with small talk. Make a comment about the weather, his outfit, this week's trending news or his dog if he's walking his pet. Keep it light and be nice. Remember to avoid making rude comments as this might turn him off. You can move on to deeper topics as your conversation progresses.

Be calm

Try to avoid looking too excited. Instead, keep a cool and calm composure. If you get too loud, he might get annoyed, especially if he's the quiet type. Stay relaxed and try not to drag other people's attention towards you. Men appreciate a woman who can still act like a lady.

Share something about you

As you're talking to him, share details about yourself that's somehow related to the topic, but only ones that you are comfortable sharing with someone you just met. This will give him the impression that you're starting to become comfortable around him.

Ask him to share something about himself

Guys love to talk about themselves too. So, ask him something about himself to keep the conversation going. Get to know his hobbies or interests. You may even try to ask where he works, if it's appropriate for the conversation. Show him that you are paying attention as this will make him become more comfortable talking to you.

Make him laugh

Throw in some small jokes into your conversation. A girl who has a sense of humor exudes intelligence and confidence. Most importantly, it shows him that you're being real. If you get him to laugh, he'll want to talk to you longer, or possibly even ask you out. Sharing a laugh will also make you feel comfortable around each other.

Just be yourself

In a world full of girls who pretend to be something they're not in order to impress a guy, you can be the girl who gets the guy by being yourself. If you bag a date with this guy but you show up as a completely different person, he's probably going to have doubts about you. Not to mention this first date with him might probably become your last one too!

Calm your nerves and don't worry too much! Just talk to the guy. It's better to try than to think about the what-ifs later on.

Can you think of other ways to approach a guy you really like? Share your suggestions in the comments below!

Datememe is a new 100% free online dating site. Just because it's free doesn't mean you can't enjoy premium features found on other paid websites. No fake users, no paid features, just free online chat to help you meet that someone special. What are you waiting for?