How to Confess Your Love to a Man

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Love is a big word. Telling a guy that you love him may not be easy, especially if it's for the first time. Is he going to say "I love you" back? Will he be intimidated? Or will he possibly lose interest? There are a lot of things that could go on in your head when you're dreading the day that you are finally going to confess your love for him. To help you out are some tips for confessing your love to a man.

Evaluate your relationship.

Nobody knows your relationship better than you and your partner. Before you confess your love to him, gauge your relationship. It's important that you know how he truly feels about you and how well your relationship is doing. If you've only been dating him for a few days, dropping the "I love you" bomb may potentially scare him away. But, as mentioned, it all depends on how your relationship is going.

Observe his actions. It will tell you more about his feelings for you than words can. Does he show you affection that only a person who loves you can? Is he serious about you? If you're not sure yet, it may be safer to just show him how much you love him, rather than uttering those three words.

Pick the right time.

There will be a right time for your profession of love. You can't just blurt it out in the middle of a conversation over current events. You also can't put the other person on the spot, and force him to respond. There should be no pressure involved, just pure honesty. You want it to be an honest exchange of feelings. So, wait for the perfect opportunity to finally tell him that you love him.

You can do it over a romantic dinner date, or when you're having a serious but positive conversation about your relationship. However, there's no specific moment for this. You'll just know it in your heart that it's the right time.

Take it slow.

Don't say it right away the moment you sit down with him. Slowly ease into the topic by discussing about the positive aspects of your relationship. Tell him how you feel about your relationship. Don't ask him about what he feels because he might feel pressured. Allow him to respond at his will. Then, tell him when it feels right.

Be confident.

Confessing your true feelings for the first time can be dreadful, but you have to stay calm and confident. You have to be sure about yourself, so that he will believe you. The way you tell him you love him will affect how he reacts to it. So, don't start your confession with "I have something to tell you," or "I don't know if I should tell you." This will only make the conversation serious in a negative way.

What you can do instead is to keep it light, casual, and smooth. However, you shouldn't sound like you're joking. Show him that you are sincere. And say the words "I love you" like you mean it. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Love is a gift and you're willing to give it to him.

Limit your expectations.

As they say, expectations only bring disappointment. So, when you confess, don't expect anything in return. Don't assume that he's going to say he loves you too. And don't just say "I love you" because you want to hear him say "I love you too." If he tells you he doesn't feel the same way, and you were expecting a different response, you'll only end up getting your heart broken.

Tell him you love him because you do, because you have to be honest with your feelings, and most importantly, because you are ready for whatever the result of your confession may be. If he feels the same, then good. You've just brought your relationship to a whole new level!

Confessing your love to a man can be a nerve-wracking experience. Keep in mind that when it comes to relationships, no kind of love is ever the same. Every relationship is unique. So, if you know a couple who has confessed their love for each other within days of dating, or another couple who waited for years to do so, remember that you shouldn't base your own relationship on theirs. Confess your love when you know it's the right time to do so.

How long did you have to wait until you said "I love you" in your last relationship? Share it with us in the comments section below.

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