How to Get Him Back After He Dumped You

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For many people, a breakup is one of the most painful experiences they go through. It can feel like your whole world is crumbling down, and your heart torn to pieces. It can lower your confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth especially when the breakup was abrupt and unexpected.

Some are able to move past the hurt and accept the end of the relationship, while others still hold on to the memories and the what-ifs. Which of the two are you?

If you want to win your guy back after he dumped you, there are some things you should know.

Cut your communication

Avoid making any attempts to call or text him. Fight the urge to ask his friends what he's been up to because there's a chance they might tell him about it and he might think you're trying to stalk him.

Get yourself detached from him. Your happiness doesn't depend on him, and he should be aware of that. Your emotional liberty from him will make him want to be a part of your life again.

Stop apologizing

You may have apologized for many things during the breakup but despite that, he still left.

Avoid prolonging the apology parade for days or weeks as this'll only annoy him.

Not only are you wasting your time, you'll also appear weak and desperate. Give him the impression that you are not affected by the breakup. You've already made your apology. Now it's time for him to realize your worth. If he doesn't, the relationship was probably worth ending anyway.

Show off your qualities that he fell in love with

Remember the things that he said he liked about you. If it's your humor, optimism, compassion, or drive, show it. Exhibit the qualities that made him fall in love with you.

When he sees you with these qualities, he's going to remember the person he fell in love with and become reminiscent of the moments he had with you. This will make him more likely to want to reconcile with you.

Rekindle an old memory

Take a trip down memory lane and give him nostalgia. If you're attending an event where you know he'll be there, wear something that he used to like seeing you in. It could be a dress that you wore in one of your memorable dates, that lipstick shade he liked seeing you wear, or an old perfume you used to wear when you were around him.

Bring back the good memories the two of you shared and he might just come to his senses and get back with you!

Improve yourself

This is something that you must do not only for him, but for yourself as well. Change your bad habits and start developing good ones. Strive to be better at your career or in your hobbies. Upgrade your wardrobe into something more sophisticated.

In Summary

When he sees how much you've changed for the better, he might even consider trying to win you back. But it doesn't matter whether you get back together or not. What's more important is that you have changed because you know it's for the better.

A word of warning: Do not ever BEG for your ex to come back. It will never work out well for you. Nobody want to see desperation at work, unless they're the kind of person who will leverage it. Instead, just show him how much of a catch you are. Who knows? It might be him begging for your love this time!

Have you tried some of these tips? Did it work or did it backfire? Share with us your stories in the comments below!

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