How to Get Him to Like You Again

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For some reason, many women become attracted to the kind of men that they have had troubled relationships with. When there are romantic feelings involved, it gets even more complicated. And most relationships like this don't end very well, even though the desire to make it work is strong.

If you're in a similar situation, understand that there's a chance the guy may not want to make the first move in getting back together. This is especially true if the relationship ended in a messy way with no closure.

So before you think about getting back with him, you need to be prepared for emotional warfare. You need to keep an optimistic outlook no matter what hardship you have to go through to get him back.

Recognize his anxieties

There are several reasons why his feelings for you could have changed. It might be some negative qualities you've developed throughout your relationship. These things might be feeding his anxieties, making him not comfortable around you.

Don't force him to love you again. It will only make you look desperate. Instead, acknowledge the factors that put an end to your relationship and find a way to improve them.

Say sorry for your mistakes

If you're on the guilty side, sincerely apologize for the things you've done wrong. You must make him feel that you are truly sincere about your apology and that you have regretted your mistakes.

Take your time in remembering what went wrong and when they went wrong so that you can fix your relationship blunders. Not all wounds heal quickly, so you need to consistently show your desire to make up for your mistakes. When he sees that you are willing to become more mature and responsible for your actions, his heart will be open for you again.

Remind him of the girl he fell in love with

What made him want to date you? Was it your optimism, kindness, humor, or your outgoing personality? Try to remember what he liked about you when you first started dating. If you've changed along the way, show him that you can be your old self again, that you can still be the girl he fell in love with.

However, avoid bringing up your past experiences with him just so you can get him to like you again. Settle for fewer words and do more actions. Lastly, don't bother trying to pretend to be someone you're not because that would only ruin what you have with him again.

Feed his ego

Guys love a good ego boost. They love the feeling of being appreciated and wanted. So, try to compliment him when you get the chance. Don't overdo it, though. Just make him feel that you appreciate him whenever he's accomplished something, no matter how little it might be. This will make him want to do better because he knows someone is cheering him on.

Be mysterious about your next move

Don't be too predictable. Keep his mind occupied about what you're possibly going to do next to win him back. If he is able to predict your every move, he might start to get bored and become disinterested in you even more.

When you make advances, observe his reactions. Then, look for the nearest entrance to his heart. Before you know it, you're happily back in each other's arms again.

Above all these, just remember to never beg or force him to get back together with you. Have some respect for yourself. Show him that you're a true catch. Show him what he lost, and what he might be getting if he welcomed you into his life again.

Do you know other effective ways to win a guy back? Let us know in the comments!

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