How to Say You're Not Into Him After the First Date

Going on dates is a great way to know someone who has a potential to be your boyfriend. They are especially best for testing the waters and seeing if there is any chemistry between two people.

It's great when you see potential in a guy during the first date. But what if you don't? How do you tell him that you're not interested?

When a guy seems like a great catch, but you don't feel any connection at all, you have to turn him down without hurting his feelings too much. Below are some tips on how to politely dump a guy after the first date.

Don't give him mixed signals

When you're out on a date with him but you just realized that you're not that into him, don't give any more impression you are. Sometimes, it can be difficult to make it clear that you are not interested in a guy because you're trying to be nice. If you really aren't interested, remain friendly, but don't do anything that might be construed as a romantic gesture.

Talk to him in person

He gathered up the courage to ask you out on a date, so it's only important that you be brave enough to tell him in person that you are not interested. While it's less embarrassing to tell him about it over the phone, it's more considerate if you break it to him in person.

Tell him the truth

Tell him the real reason why you don't want to go out with him again. Don't make silly excuses about school, work, or not having enough time for a relationship, because chances are, he's going to find out anyway that you went out with another guy.

Tell him the truth but say it in a tactful way because taking rejection isn't as easy as it looks. Don't rub salt to the wound. Tell him the truth but be nice about it.

Don't point out what's "wrong" with him

Speaking of rubbing salt to the wound, avoid pointing out his flaws as it might knock off his self-confidence. Blame it on the absence of chemistry instead. If there was no chemistry or connection between the two of you at all, let him know.

If he asks you what went wrong, focus your explanation on how you feel. If he did something that really annoyed you, avoid pointing out what he did wrong. Instead, try saying, "I'm not comfortable with..." or "I'm not the type of person who likes..."

Avoid saying, "let's be friends"

He asked you out on a date because he's interested in getting to know you romantically. After you turn him down, avoid offering your friendship even though it might sound like a good idea. Think about it. Would a guy who you just dumped look forward to adding you on his friend's list? We don't think so! Unless you've been friends with him for a while, resist the urge to make the offer.

Thank him

Let him know that you are grateful for the time he spent with you and that you appreciate his efforts. For example, you can say, "I enjoyed hanging out with you," or "I had fun tonight." Just be sure that you mean what you say. And when you thank him, speak with sincerity.

Telling a guy that you're not interested in him after the first date can be difficult. But you need to remember, it's more important that he knows he has no chance rather than lead him on. Don't make him want something he can't have.

Rejection may bruise his ego, but like anything, bruises heal over time. Trust that he can handle it. So, better that you break it off as early as you can, rather than leading him on.

How did you reject the last guy you weren't interested in? Feel free to share your stories in the comments below!

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