How to Tell if He's Got the Butterflies

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So a guy approaches you at the bar, looks you in the eye and tells you that he's into you. Is it possible that all men can be this confident? Unfortunately, not.

A man may look confident on the outside but inside, he's probably already sweating bullets just by being next to you. Not every guy is gifted with the ability to conceal their nervousness, so knowing the signs of real apprehension in men will help you figure out what's really going on.

He barely makes eye contact

A nervous dude tends to not look directly at the girl that he likes, well at least if she's looking back. If you give him a look and he avoids your gaze, it's a telltale sign that he's nervous. He may be lacking in confidence that's why he can't hold gazing at you for long.

Some guys can hold your gaze for a little while but then withdraw when the anxiety is too much to bear. If you like him, it helps to ease the nervousness a little bit by moving closer and carrying the conversation to boost his confidence.

He laughs inexplicably

A guy may laugh inexplicably at whatever thing that you say. This is the easiest one to spot. All you need to do is open your mouth and say something. He'll instantly laugh.

Sometimes a nervous man laughs without being aware of it, but he's doing it subconsciously to tell you that he finds you interesting and likes spending time with you.

He's sweating bullets

Another glaring sign of a nervous guy is if he's sweating profusely. Watch his forehead, arms, and back to see if he's excessively sweating despite being in an air-conditioned room.

If he's using his phone, try to see if there are smudges of wetness around the phone. If he's wearing a shirt that uses thin fabric and a relatively dark color, you will notice huge dark spots around the armpits and his back.

He talks excessively about himself

Nervous men often get chipper and talkative when around the women that they like. He may start talking about himself a lot in an effort to get you to like him back or impress you with his intellect by blurting out something that will make him sound smart to you.

He may also be uncomfortable with silence and will attempt to fill them with his own voice to avoid awkward moments that may turn you off.

He's silent

On the flipside, a nervous man can be exceptionally tight-lipped. If you're in the same group of friends and you ask him something, he might give a short answer and return to being silent. It may be an effort to avoid saying anything wrong which might cause you to dislike him.

He may talk sparingly because he's sorting out his thoughts so that he only says things that are least likely to embarrass him.

He's stuttering

Aside from being overly talkative or silent, a guy can also stutter when he's talking to a woman that he likes. His head is working faster than his mouth, so his uncoordinated senses will cause him to mix up words or stutter.

He's fidgety or clumsy

Fidgeting and clumsy behavior can also signal that he's nervous. If he can't seem to find a good position on the bar stool, then he's probably got butterflies in his tummy. It could be that, or maybe it's just an itchy bottom.

Just because he's a nervous wreck around you, it doesn't mean he isn't a good match. If you like him too, take the load off his shoulder by talking to him frequently and smiling. He's likely to warm up to your friendliness and will open up easier.

Ever dated a nervous wreck? What was it like? Share in the comments below!

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