On a Hiking Date Let Nature Be Your Wingman

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There's something about nature that's very romantic. The gentle waves on a beach, the sound of crickets in the rain forest, the cold breeze above the mountains. The sight and sensation of being around it makes you feel euphoric you can't help but feel it's imperative to have someone share the special moment with you.

This is why hikes are one of the best getaway date ideas for both new and long-time couples. The best part? It costs very little to just go out and spend half the day walking the trails. There should be a safe hiking trail in your locale that you can spend an afternoon walking in. Not only do you get to explore nature, you also explore your partner's life as well.

But before you begin with your outdoor adventure with your loved one, here are some things you need to do first.


Just hit up the internet to find local trails that are suitable. There's no need for trail hiking pamphlets these days! Before choosing one, think of how long you've been with your partner. If you've only met two weeks ago and are still getting to know each other, then the ideal trail would be somewhere close to home.

For couples who can handle a workout, trails with steep inclines are really great at getting your blood pumping, while those with a modest incline with many branching trails are great for leisurely afternoon hikes.


Since you're going out in the wild, make sure that you have everything you need for your hike. There's nothing worse than going back down to a #### all because you forgot to bring a Gatorade. Pack a picnic lunch complete with a cozy blanket, bring romantic desserts, and fresh fruits like grapes for a refreshing conclusion to the meal.

Don't forget to bring the essentials like water bottles, face towels, and an extra top for changing into, as well as safety gear like flashlights and a GPS tracker. If you have a fancy camera, you can take sweet nature shots with each other but if not, there's always your smart phone camera to take beautiful photos in natural light.

Enjoy the view

At some point in your hike, you'll find the perfect spot to take a rest. So take it all in with your partner and have a lovely conversation under the trees. Hold hands for a while on top of a huge boulder, find a lovely patch of grass that you can sit on, or look around for wildlife.

What makes hiking a great date idea is that it allows the both of you get to admire nature's greatest assets together, which always makes for great memories.

Get to know each other

Nature has a way of bringing out pleasant feelings, so take advantage of that and get to know your partner even more deeply. The peace and quiet of hiking is a perfect way to get couples to relax and forget about the stresses of daily life. This also gives you the opportunity to get to know your partner better on a personal level, so don't forget to talk about hopes, plans, and dreams.

Have fun

It shouldn't all be serious. Frolic in a meadow and chase down butterflies together like kids or take a dip in a peaceful little stream. Stack rocks together at a quiet corner of a trail or engrave your names on a tree trunk.

While you may think these activities are clich�, the little things you do together on excursions like these are what stick to you as a couple. It can bring you together even if you think the activities are corny in hindsight.

In Summary

Hiking can make for an excellent first date. It sets you apart from other couples who simply settle for the typical dinner and movies kind of date. Not to mention, the exercise and peace you get from hiking helps the both of you open up to each other easily.

Let nature be your wingman with a romantic afternoon hike. The quiet it brings lets the both of you relax and get to know one another better.

Care to share any of your afternoon hiking date experiences? Tell us how they went in the comments below!

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