Taking your Relationship to the Next Level

The "Honeymoon Period" is a blissful state in the early stages of a relationship. It's the stage where a couple starts to get to know each other, and where fights and disagreements are still a myth. But as your emotions evolve, so does your relationship too; it becomes inevitable that one starts to be curious where the relationship is headed.

The anxiety of wondering whether your feelings are being reciprocated is one of the worst things in a story of romance. However, there are a few simple gestures that can help. And with a hint of courage, these could get you through the adversity.

Give your time and never rush

Try to avoid saying "I love you" way too early in the relationship; this is not a race of who says it first. Always remember that patience is a virtue. Some people prefer to take it slow, while other are just not yet ready to jump into the next level of a relationship.

Being able to wait shows that you care how she feels, and gives her the assurance that you will be around until she is ready for it.

Expressing through effort

Opening the car door, lending her your coat on a cold night, or even sending a morning text, are just some of the many simple gestures that your partner will appreciate. Try to practice these gestures during your date, as well as in your day-to-day activities.

Communicate through body language

Show your partner how much you care and try to comfort her through body language. Gaze into her eyes as you listen attentively in your conversations, stroke her arms to make her feel giddy, or hold her hand while watching a movie together. Let your partner feel that her presence makes you happy and contented.

Don't be afraid to show your commitment

As you go deeper into a relationship, the sense of commitment also gets stronger. Commitment is giving your partner the assurance that you will have the time for her.

One ways to show commitment is to show up during times when she needs you. Cancel poker night to watch a new movie with her. Take a few hours off on work weekends to have a lovely dinner together, or simply be by her side when she's having a bad day. These little things may be insignificant to you but to your girl, it can mean the whole world when you simply show up.

Also, make plans for your future adventures together. These efforts will show her that you're in it for the long run.

Waiting for the perfect time

Find the right moment to tell her that you love her. Look for signs that tell she might feel the same way too. Feel the moment. Saying "I love you" as you walk her to her front door after a romantic date will leave the both of you feeling euphoric and thinking about the moment for days.

Always be ready to explain what you really mean and what you expect in a relationship. And try your best not to assume anything without knowing. Sometimes, your partner may not say "I love you" back, but she might feel the same way about you.

In Summary

If you're really into the idea of being in a long-term relationship, you don't have to rush. You just have to take it nice and easy. Never pressure your partner with words or expectations without knowing how she really feels.

Can you think of other ways to show your love for your partner? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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