The Secrets to Avoiding that First-Date Awkwardness

Ever had sweaty hands, a lump in your throat, and goosebumps down your spine on a first date? You're not the only one. While some awkward moments are impossible to avoid, you can choose your words and actions carefully to keep the flow going.

Learn to defuse or avoid these awkward moments together with a few tips so you can approach a new date with confidence.

Avoid hot topics

As much as possible, avoid talking about political and controversial topics if you want to hit off on a good note with your new date.

Your views on certain things such as a political candidate or a religious belief won't matter on a first date. You can have tremendously opposing outlooks on hot topics, so talking about them on a first date is a recipe for disaster. Instead, talk about light things. Ask your date personal questions; get to know them better. This is more preferable for a nerve-wracking event such as a first date as it helps loosen up the atmosphere for more substantial topics later on in the date.

It's easier to handle the hot topics later on when you understand the person who holds the opinions you may or may not agree with.

Look before you leap

Planning goes a long way on any date, but even more so on the first. You don't want to wing it since the first date is the chance for you to make a good impression. Plus, it will be awkward to just stand around wondering what to do.

Plan out the logistics before the date. Work out whether you will split the bill or not. Talk about when the date will end as well. Be spontaneous only when the date is going well but don't take her for a surprise like asking her to foot the bill without informing her prior to the date.

Make good jokes

You've probably seen that one movie where a girl starts making really awkward jokes on the first date, followed by her nervous laughter and the guy's uncomfortable glance. Don't be that person. If a conversation starts dipping or you commit a misstep, a good joke can be a lifeline.

If you spill your drink, bring attention to it by joking about your butterfingers. It shows that you don't take yourself too seriously. Doing this will invite him to do the same and can make the night flow more smoothly.

Ask questions

Everyone likes talking about themselves so get your date to talk by asking her organic questions. Ask about her family, job, or interests; anything that will get her to enthusiastically converse with you. Try to not make it sound like an interview. Respond in such a way that she begins to ask about you too. This makes the date flow more smoothly and naturally. The objective is to get to know your date, so focus on her and hopefully she will make similar inquiries.

Hold off on the first kiss

Unless you are both evidently smitten with each other, skip the goodnight kiss. Forcing it will only make for an awkward conclusion to the first date, and skipping it might add a little bit of longing.

Also, if it didn't go well the first time, you can expect the same thing too for the second time. A good way to gauge your date's willingness for a goodnight smooch is to look at their body language. If she gazes deeply into your eyes or starts fiddling with her keys, it's a good indication that she's looking for a little smooch. Go for it and give her a kiss. If she avoids your gaze or simply hugs you, it's best not to force anything. Instead, wait for a call or a text that tells you how she felt about the date and go from there. First kisses are already awkward, so avoid forcing one if there isn't a strong connection.

Awkwardness on first dates is extremely common but if you show that you can defuse or avoid it well, your date will appreciate your confidence in being able to handle a few awkward moments.

How do handle awkwardness during a first date? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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