What Photos are Allowed on Datememe?

Datememe is a new 100% free online dating site. Just because it's free doesn't mean you can't enjoy premium features found on other paid websites. No fake users, no paid features, just free online chat to help you meet that someone special. What are you waiting for?


In our efforts to make Datememe.com a more enjoyable and exciting community, we encourage our users to present themselves in a favorable manner. This will certainly make your profile pop and get more people to connect with you.

We want to help you get noticed, so, we listed down these simple and straightforward photo upload guidelines and restrictions:

Clear head shot

Upload photographs that show your face. This will help you get recognized and encourage other users to visit your profile and connect with you.

Full body shot

This is your chance to showcase yourself. Photos that show your full body will give other users a little bit more idea about you, your height, your personal style and your environment.

NO Nudity and Pornography

As much as we would like you to get noticed, we strictly do NOT allow nude images of yourself, other people or any pornographic images and materials.

NO children and minors

This is an adult dating website. To protect your children from any harm, we strictly do NOT allow photos and images of children and minors to be published on this website in any way or form.

NO celebrities

Keep in mind that this is about you. You, and not any celebrity, would want to get noticed. You are the star here, make yourself shine!

NO graphics and illustrations

Please refrain from using images that are not your own and does not show your own image. These are images that are taken from the internet, such as of flowers, animals, love quotes, cartoons, memes and animated gifs.

NO Armed Forces/Military uniforms

Whether you are in the Army, Air Force, Navy, among others, it is great that you are serving your country, but please only post photos in your civilian clothing.

Before uploading photos, please verify carefully. We reserve the right to remove photographs that violate the restrictions mentioned above and the following conditions:

1. Illegal content

We cannot stress this enough. Photos cannot contain in any way or form, images of children, minors, nudity and pornography.

2. Copyright infringement

Photos must not display trademarks, the intellectual property of others or logos.

3. Promotions of products

Photos should not appear to promote any products or services.

4. Contact Information

Photos must not display any contact information, such as your email address, links to your other social media profiles or phone numbers.

5. Incitement to violence and promotions of hate

Photos must not express personal religious opinions, political statements or images that other users may find sensitive or violent.

Uploading any photos that violate these rules will get you banned from the site. Should you have any questions and concerns about these rules, please feel free to contact our support team.

Datememe is a new 100% free online dating site. Just because it's free doesn't mean you can't enjoy premium features found on other paid websites. No fake users, no paid features, just free online chat to help you meet that someone special. What are you waiting for?