Winking: What It Really Means

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Body language such as winking can be just as expressive as a few carefully chosen words. This kind of non-verbal communication is a powerful way to let a girl know that a guy digs her, but it can also mean something entirely different depending on context.

If a guy winks at you, try to observe your surroundings and the environment. Are you with a group of friends? Alone at the bar? Or standing outside the club? Whatever it is, we'll help you figure out what his wink means.

In this article, we'll explore the different connotations of this fleeting but expressive facial expression so you can better decide what your response should be when a guy winks at you.

It signals an inside joke. Or does it?

Say you're hanging out with a group of friends. Everyone is laughing about a particular topic, and your guy friend winks at you because you both had a particularly embarrassing experience relating to that topic. In this case, it is clear that he is winking at you because of an inside joke between the both of you; a sort of "don't tell anyone" signal.

The intentions may change in a split second though, because if you watch his body language, you might notice him inching ever closer to you. If he starts holding your gaze and making frequent eye contact, this can mean that the winker has romantic intentions.

Despite its common interpretation, a wink can also be a sign of trust. A friend winks at you to keep a secret, which means that he trusts you to keep it confidential.

Digital winks

If you've ever been on an online dating platform you will have noticed digital "winks" akin to likes on social media. Since physical expression is non-existent in online dating, dating services use this method to let a person know that someone is interested in them. More often than not, when a guy sends you a winking face online, it can mean that he's interested in you romantically and wants to get your attention.

Make a move

A wink can send your heart fluttering, that is, if you like the person that gave you the wink! So if a guy winks at you in a flirty manner, think about your next move. If you're not into him, ignore it. But if you are interested, acknowledge the wink by smiling at him and trying to catch his gaze. Chances are, he will make an approach and you will hopefully hit it up from there.

Physiological conditions

Not every human can wink at will. Some can wink with just one eye, while others can wink involuntarily under stress. A person suffering from Tourette Syndrome may also wink involuntarily. Or maybe they just have something in their eye. Whatever it is, just make sure to watch the rest of his body language in order to decipher his intentions.

Connotations in other cultures

Every culture knows how to wink, but there are different meanings attached to it depending on where you are from. In the West and in some Latin American cultures, it's a means of flirting or being playful. In China and some parts of India, it's seen as an offensive gesture. In West African cultures, parents wink at their children to signal them to leave the room. They use this in case visitors come and the children are not automatically aware that they must leave.

If you're traveling and want a bit of romance, be careful where you wink. When in doubt, a smile and a gaze are the universal forms of showing interest.

What is your opinion about winking? Like it or repulsed by it? Guys and gals feel free to leave your comments below!

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