Dating 101 What are Relationships Really Like

It is perfectly human to desire interaction and connection with other people, which leads to friendships and romantic relationships.

While not everyone may want to be in a relationship, most people want to have someone they can share their joys and struggles with. Although relationships are always formed, may it be friendship or the romantic kind, taking the first step can often be the most challenging part.

Here are some things you need to know before starting a relationship.

Are all relationships the same?

The answer is no. There are many kinds of relationships, but the fundamental differences that they have are depth and certain features.

There are two basic types: monogamous, which pertains to being exclusive, and non-monogamous, which pertains to open, casual relationships. The former is based on love and loyalty, while the latter is based on fulfilling physical desires and personal gratification.

A monogamous relationship is more meaningful, but can be difficult to start. A non-monogamous relationship, on the other hand, can be had anytime a person wishes, which is why it lacks depth and meaning.

What are the benefits of being in a relationship?

There are several benefits of being in a relationship. However, the biggest one is companionship. Having someone by your side during good and bad times is one of its biggest advantages.

Your desire for companionship will be fulfilled whether you are in a monogamous or a non-monogamous relationship. But only a monogamous relationship will give you a special bond with another person.

Aside from companionship, you also enjoy security. So, think about what kind of relationship you are looking for before you start one.

What is the significance of starting a relationship?

Depending on the kind of relationship you are looking for, the importance of starting one will vary. If you want steady companionship and security, you are better off in a monogamous relationship.

However, if you want companionship only when you or the other person needs it, or if you only want someone to fulfill your physical desires, then a non-monogamous relationship might be the right choice.

If you're just fine on your own, think twice if you really want to be in any relationship at all.

What are the common misconceptions about relationships?

Some people get into a non-monogamous relationship hoping it will lead to something more serious and exclusive.

There are plenty of movies that exhibit this kind of situation where a man and a woman hookup casually. She gets upset when he doesn't call back. He realizes what a jerk he is, declares ambitious proclamations of love, and gets the girl back. Sounds like a fairy tale eh? The sad news is that this story rarely happens in real life.

If you want to date someone exclusively, be upfront about it from the very beginning. If the other person doesn't want the same things as you, the chance of turning your relationship into a monogamous one is close to none.

Is it possible to spend years with someone without getting bored?

The truth is that boredom is inevitable. Relationships aren't all unicorns and rainbows. It's normal to not be #### happy in your relationship all the time. You will get bored at times and wonder what it would be like if you were with somebody else.

You are bound to have problems along the road, but it is up to the both of you to find out how you're going to make it work. If you're in a healthy monogamous relationship, boredom is just a minor set back because if you look at the entirety of your relationship, you'll see what's made it worth everything you've worked for.

The bottom line is that you should know what you want, and be honest about it. Not being clear with your expectations can greatly affect your relationship with your current partner. And if someone can't give you the kind of relationship you need, understand that there's no use in staying.

What are your opinions on romantic exclusive relationships and casual non-monogamous ones? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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