How to Impress Your New Boyfriend

Some women tend to make mistakes when dating a new guy, which eventually leads to a bad, abrupt breakup. It doesn't always have to be this way.

Breakups can be avoided, but only if you are patient enough to understand how a guy's mind works. To help you out are some tips on impressing a new guy that you're dating while avoiding the same mistakes most women make.

Show some effort in your appearance.

Men are a visually oriented gender. But this doesn't always mean that you have to wear the most expensive dresses and three layers of makeup all the time. A little effort in looking presentable and visually pleasing can go a long way, especially when you go out on dates. Men like the feeling of being considered when a girl decides how to dress up. If you're a lazy dresser, show him that you care enough to make an effort.

Get to know each other better.

He'll be there to listen when you have problems at work, or with your family. This doesn't mean you have to treat him like a sound board all the time. He's your boyfriend, not your therapist. Learn how to make the relationship about the both of you. Show that you want to get to know him better, and he'll do the same for you. Find out what he's interested in. If he likes sports, you can watch a football game together. If he's into music, you can play his favorite record for him on weekend mornings.

Make an effort to understand him and remember to listen when he has something to say. This way, you can make your conversations meaningful. The guy doesn't always have to do all the effort in a relationship. It has to come from both sides.

Don't be too high maintenance.

Where do you want to eat? What kind of present do you want him to get you on your birthday? If you always opt for the expensive choices, he might start to think that being with you will drive him to the poor house.

When making choices, consider his finances. Keep in mind how much he can afford. Guys don't like high maintenance women, unless they're also high maintenance themselves.

Accept him.

You're dating this guy because you like him. So, don't try to change him and morph him into your ideal guy. Accept him, flaws and all.

Maybe he'll change a few things about himself in the long run if he sees that you are uncomfortable with his behavior, personality, or lifestyle. But that change must come from within himself, and not from your command.

Give him space.

A guy needs his personal space. Respect that. While it may be fine to exchange texts with him every now and then, don't make him feel that you're all up in his business.

Men like their independence. Don't hesitate to check up on him when he's not with you, but don't be too annoying. Learn to trust him too. If he's really into you, he'll freely talk to you about his life and whereabouts, without you having to pry for information.

A man has a set of preferences, as you do as a woman. In a relationship, you must always keep this in mind. Know that you have different things to offer. Differences aren't all that bad, however. Most of the time, these can make your relationship more interesting because you get to learn new things from each other. He may also not agree with your opinions all the time, so have a clear understanding on what your differences are and learn how to work with them. That's how you keep your new guy interested.

What other suggestions do you have for keeping a new guy interested in you? Help your fellow readers and leave your comments below!

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